Nutrition as we age
Nutritional well-being is a fundamental aspect for the health, especially for the elderly. Studies have shown that the elderly are at a higher risk of developing malnutrition due to physiological and pathological changes. The elderly are more susceptible to chronic illnesses, hence, a healthy diet becomes crucial in maintaining a healthy body and mind. 1
Here are some tips for healthy ageing:
- Drink enough water to prevent dehydration. Although coffee and tea is nice and is a common favorite among elderly, remember to keep sugar and salt at minimum, as it can worsen dehydration.2 This is important to take note as some people lose their sense of thirst as they age.
- Choose foods that are high in good fats and low in bad fats. Avoid cholesterol, saturated and trans fats which are normally found in fried foods. Maintaining a healthy fat levels is very important to prevent ageing related cardiovascular disease. It is recommended to follow the American Heart Association (AHA) advisory on dietary fats to lower risk of heart disease in elderly.3
- Consume enough nutrients. Aging is linked to a variety of changes in the body, including loss of teeth, ageing kidney, muscle loss, and weaker body. Some of these changes can make the elderly prone to nutrient deficiencies and affect quality of life. If they have started to have loss of appetite or difficulty in eating, try to opt for liquid food for seniors like Appeton Wellness 60+ to keep the elderly energize and well-nourished.
Appeton Wellness 60+ is a clinically proven formula for seniors and has been clinically proven to improve the BMI, nutritional status, appetite and physical activity of elderly.3 It is specially formulated to be gentle to ageing kidney with healthy fats profile as per recommendation by AHA Guidelines. This formula is also a complete nutrition and suitable for long term nutrition support in elderly.
Healthy diet is never too late. Take the right nutrients and maintain a healthy lifestyle can help the elderly to stay active and independent even in the golden years!
Learn more: Appeton Wellness 60+
- Susan B Roberts, Rachel E Silver, Sai Krupa Das, Roger A Fielding, Cheryl H Gilhooly, Paul F Jacques, Jennifer M Kelly, Joel B Mason, Nicola M McKeown, Meaghan A Reardon, Sheldon Rowan, Edward Saltzman, Barbara Shukitt-Hale, Caren E Smith, Allen A Taylor, Dayong Wu, Fang Fang Zhang, Karen Panetta, Sarah Booth, Healthy Aging—Nutrition Matters: Start Early and Screen Often, Advances in Nutrition, Volume 12, Issue 4, July 2021, Pages 1438–1448, https://doi.org/10.1093/advances/nmab032.
- Sanjoy Saha, Upasana Mukherjee, Makenzie Miller, Li-Ling Peng, Carin Napier, Heleen Grobbelaar & Wilna Oldewage-Theron (2021) Food and beverages promoting elderly health: six food-based dietary guidelines to plan good mixed meals for elderly South Africans, South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 34:sup1, S51-S63, DOI: 10.1080/16070658.2021.1956232.
- Sacks FM, Lichtenstein AH, Wu JHY, Appel LJ, Creager MA, Kris-Etherton PM, Miller M, Rimm EB, Rudel LL, Robinson JG, Stone NJ, Van Horn LV; American Heart Association. Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2017 Jul 18;136(3):e1-e23. doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000510. Epub 2017 Jun 15. Erratum in: Circulation. 2017 Sep 5;136(10 ):e195. PMID: 28620111.
- Manaf ZA, Sahar S, Singh SKA, et al., Effect of nourishing formula (Appeton Wellness 60+) supplementation on the nutritional status, functional performance, cognitive function and quality of life of malnourished elderly living in old folks home. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University Kebangsaan Malaysia.